Beach Base Apartments

Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest

Did you know that looking at the horizon for an extended period of time causes your brain to release endorphins? Come to our Beach Bases in North Sardinia and North-West Poland and get your dose of horizon-induced happiness!


  • 2 – 3 hours flight from most European airports in north & western Europe
  • Not a mainstream Mediterranean destination but a sophisticated Italian island
  • Beautiful beaches with turquoise sea, ideal for swimming and snorkelling
  • Diverse island with a mountainous interior and natural countryside
  • Vibrant towns with local traditions, colourful festivals and warm friendly people
  • Visit great restaurants, pizzerias and gelaterias with Sardinian specialities and local wines
  • Many activities including watersports, cycling, golf, tennis and horse riding
  • Excursions including boat trips, scenic train journeys, 4 wheel drive safaris, trekking and climbing, wine tasting, archaeology sites and Roman ruins

A hidden gem